Home Depot 2013

 You can help Stiggy’s Dogs win $250,000!


one in eightStiggy’s Dogs’ mission is simple:  we provide psychiatric service dogs for our military veterans living with combat related PTSD and TBI.  We also help educate our community about service dog etiquette and service dog use.  The dogs we use are rescue dogs from shelters, animal control facilities and rescue groups.  By doing this, we are Rescuing One to Rescue Another. 

Our organization has been nominated for a grant contest that could result in us winning $250,000 to help further our mission.  The organization with the most votes at the end of the month will win the top prize of $250,000. Organizations with the second and third most votes will receive $150,000 and $100,000 from The Home Depot Foundation, respectively.Voting begins May 1 and runs through May 31 at



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 Why vote for Stiggy’s Dogs?

We are honored to be listed among some amazing organizations that do great work.  Nevertheless, when it comes time to cast your vote, we think a vote for Stiggy’s Dogs is special because…

Our mission is unique.  

We are Rescuing One to Rescue Another.  Thousands of military veterans living with PTSD and/or TBI could benefit from a psychiatric service dog.  Meanwhile there are 5 million dogs sitting in shelters across the nation at any given time, many of whom would make great service animals.  We are not only working on helping our deserving military veterans, we are helping shelter dogs find new purposes in life and freeing up shelter space for other animals.  Two problems, one great solution.

Our organization is growing.  

Since it’s inception in 2009, Stiggy’s Dogs has paired over 16 psychiatric service dog teams.  While this number is small compared to the need that exists, that is 32 lives directly impacted….32 families who can return to some sense of normalcy.  Poised with new programs, Stiggy’s Dogs looks to pair at least another 20 this year alone.  Steady growth from an innovative organization.


Our veterans do more than heal themselves.

Our veterans are community leaders, helping other veterans in their communities.  Veterans like Terran Frye go out and speak on behalf of other veterans in the media.  Veterans like Eric Brown join forces with local veteran’s courts to create retreat opportunities for veterans in need.  These aren’t just two lives saved.  These are two leaders that have been empowered by their psychiatric service dogs…their Stiggy’s Dogs.


Our plan is clear.  

With the money we receive from the competition, we have a very clear plan:

  1. Build a multi-use training facility at Stiggy’s Sanctuary.  This would be a place to hold classes for multiple veterans at a time as well as learning and service events.
  2. Pair ten additional dog pairs in the first year after funding is received and twenty additional for the following year.
  3. Engage in greater community outreach and education.  Psychiatric service animals are an important part of our community.  Stiggy’s Dogs has the unique opportunity to educate the community on issues of veteran’s care, PTSD and TBI, animal welfare and psychiatric service animals.
  4. Provide regional support for veterans around the state and the nation by having a trainer or representative nearby to address needs and conduct training without incurring greater travel costs.


Your vote is so much more than the click of a mouse or the tap of a screen.  The need is great.  Our waiting list is long and we would love to be able to shorten wait times and help more veterans in need.  You can make that happen.  You can help us as we are Rescuing One to Rescue Another.

Simply put, Stiggy’s Mission, it’s potential and it’s plan are unique.  We would be honored if you could have our back like our service dogs have their veterans’ backs and earn your vote.




Below, you will find resources to help us spread the word! Please pass on these photos and documents.  Post them in your place of work, worship, schooling or community centers.  Email your friends and family.  Every vote counts.  Every vote gets us closer to saving the lives of more veterans and more shelter dogs. Remember to go to https://apronsinaction.homedepotfoundation.org/ everyday in May and vote!





(for more information or to get higher quality downloads, email kim@stiggysdogs.org)