A Birthday in Honor of Doc Stiggy

Posted by Jennifer on September 1, 2021

Last month I introduced to you all our dog in training, Corpsman. Who is named, in honor of Doc Stiggy…..

Ben ‘Doc Stiggy’ Castiglione, was a Corpsman.  What is a Corpsman?  A Corpsman is a specialist with the Navy. The Hospital Corpsman works in a wide variety of capacities and locations, including  naval hospitals and clinics, aboard ships. They also serve as battlefield corpsmen with the Marine Corps, and that is what our Ben chose. *Green side* (land) compared to Blue Side (naval ships). I proudly say that Ben was both  Navy and a Marine……

As this time of year comes around, our hearts are heavy and filled with grief and sadness. But this year I wanted to do something different, maybe something that we can have that might make this time of year better for us. Nothing can ever change the significant of this date, but maybe could be added to it……

Corpsman was born sometime around this time last year. Being a stray you never know when their Birthday is and most people make up their date.  And that is what we did here.

With his name in honor of Ben, his birthday shall be September 3rd. I have chills while I write this, tears streaking my cheeks, and hope fills my heart…as I know what this dog will do one day for his Veteran. I mean, how could Corpsman NOT be a superstar when named after our Ben and having this date to honor him….




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