A Testimonial from Eric Brown abuot his Service Dog Patton

Posted by Jennifer on January 9, 2022

This testimonial makes me burst with Pride. I am but one in the many who are a part of this amazing journey….Melody Powers, Robin Jones, Lynne Nesbitt, Adam James Patton, Sandy Orr Kottre, and you, our friends and family of this outreach were creating……

Sgt. Eric Brown – USMC, OIF Veteran

Paired and Deployed with, PSD Patton – July 2011

It is so hard to even know where to begin… to say the least my life has changed tremendously since I have been paired with Patton. I have been through ups and downs, losses and gains and I have learned so much about myself. I found I am much stronger than I thought and also realized at times I am not it is okay. I know my limits and so does Patton.

Of course I have my family to thank, but I cannot express enough how Patton has enhanced somany parts of my daily life. One of the major things he has helped with is relieving stress and anxiety when it comes to my security. He often walks the perimeter of my property with me. Even if we are just relaxing at home I can watch his body language and know if something is different. Many of my old safety habits have become his responsibility and a great weight has been lifted. Because of that I have found myself sleeping better and that in itself has been a huge feat.

I know it might sound crazy to some, but Patton has simply helped me get back out into the real world. He has helped me do things I never thought would be possible again. I have not only been able to manage and overcome my own struggles, but I have also been able to help other veterans.

Currently, with Patton by my side, I am facilitating a Wilderness Adventure group through the Ann Arbor V.A. Hospital. Our program reaches out to veterans that struggle with adjusting back into civilian life or have other combat related issues. Knowing that I can give back and help someone else fills me with great pride and pushes me daily. Patton and I also attend Veterans Treatment Courts where he attends as my service dog, but also as a distraction and a means of comfort for the other veterans. He never ceases to amaze me with his ability to read and comfort others, taking a
moment to visit everyone, leaning in or putting his paw on them as if he is saying, “it’s okay!”

Patton just fits; he was made for me, and my family. I (we) will be forever grateful to Stiggy’s Dogs, for making life possible again. We are also deeply honored to carry on the name of a service member who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our country (Spc. Adam J. Patton, OEF May 26, 2021). He bears a noble name and we will continue to share his story whenever it’s assumed he was named for the General.

After closing the door to 2012, I am excited to say we are looking forward to 2013 and what new adventures it will have for us… Thank you Stiggy’s Dogs!

Most Sincerely,

Eric Brown and Family

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