DeeDee Reno Office Manager Financial Manager Friend

Posted by Jennifer on December 23, 2021

I have been asked how DeeDee and I know each other, and most people don’t really want to know the story….it starts off sad and tragic but ends with a new friendship and journey together….

Here is her words on our meeting;

I often get asked how I got involved with Stiggy’s Dogs so I am going to give you the back story. 
I met Joe and Jennifer at Ben’s (Doc Stiggy) Memorial Service following his death September 3, 2009. I was there to represent (my oldest son was a corpsman at that time) and to give our collective respects to Bens family.  Ben had told them about the website and we had contact with the family (Joe, especially) following his death.  It was really hard for me to go to the service, I mean it breaks my heart every time I hear about another loss, but this was even closer because Ben did the same job as my son Dan, and it could so easily have been me in that situation.  Apparently, when Joe got the information (from Darrell Crone, owner of that I was going to be there it was requested to find him when I arrived.  I have to admit I was nervous, I mean my intention had been to go in and quietly pay my/our respects and leave so that family and friends could grieve without a total stranger in their midst. That was not to be, I approached the Navy representatives and asked them to direct me to Joe when this lovely lady walking past asked who I was looking for. I told her Joe Petre and introduced myself as “DeeDee from”, this lady who was heartbroken and grieving for her nephew says “I’m Jennifer Petre” and gives me the biggest hug telling me how glad she is that I’m there. I’m thinking, it’s a good thing I am a “huggy” person because otherwise I would have run for the hills. She took me to Joe and her sons and introduced me to them. Joe hugged me, like a long lost friend come home.  I spent a long time at the funeral home being introduced to Ben’s family and friends, I was hugged a LOT and told how much meant to Ben and how glad they were that I was able to attend.  I’m thinking, here are all these people mourning their loss but welcoming me to their family, even though they didn’t know me from a stranger on the street…..”

I cry and laugh, bittersweet tears when I read that. The *hug* I gave DeeDee was more like a squeeze, *a long hard squeeze all your energy* kind of hug. I needed that at that moment, and I need her still to this day….

For months after starting Stiggys Dogs DeeDee was my biggest fan. I could always count on her to *like* my Facebook post or Blog, she was constantly spreading the word about us, and even sending monthly emails asking me how she could help.  We had that kind of email friendship,  her humor and wit making me laugh in times of need. It took almost 6 months of her almost begging me to trust her and let her help. BEST decision I have made so far! It was difficult for me to hand over the huge stack of receipts for the past 5 months, non of them were entered into the system……yea, DeeDee had no idea what she was getting into! :) When we met for lunch that day to go over everything I remember her asking me “Why are the checks written out of order?”  I confidently replied “Cause I have three different check books, in car, home, Barracks-so I write from the one most convenient, why?” she (literally) smacked my upside the head and said “Stop that” ….yup, we have that kind of relationship…

DeeDee has given silently for these past two years. Donations, emails and PR for Stiggys, bringing the dogs food and toys each visit she made. She is a talented woman  who also donates the proceeds of her jewelry, (Whimsical Cauldron) to Stiggys Dogs. On our last meeting, she met me in the parking lot waiting outside in the cold for me to arrive. After our *big hug* greeting, she gives me a present, a Stiggsy Dogs sign (for the new property) and a banner!!!! Her heart is big and she never quits giving…

When running a non profit, and getting it started, the biggest hurdle is …money. When DeeDee approached me about doing our book’s I didn’t want her to do this for free and we had no funds to pay for this. She insisted! For the past 8 months DeeDee has got all out finances in order (a huge mess as exhibited by me writing from different check books), she set things up to go forward, took over ALL the office Manager duties, and saved my life. She works another job, has two dogs to and a family take care of, and now adds at least 20+ hours a week for Stiggys Dogs. ALL FOR FREE!  Nada. Nothing. Zilch.  All to help a fellow Veteran….

This is the pride that fill’s me, and the strength behind Stiggys Dogs. I, for all involved, Thank you…

DeeReno, Jennifer Petre, Donna Fournier, Veteran Jeff Beck and Nala and Rob Reno participating in Nalas Canine Good Citizen test.


1 Comment

  • DeeDee says:

    I may not be in the organization but I’m still keeping an eye on all that you are doing.

    Keep up the good works.

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