Fubar a true HERO

Posted by Jennifer on May 31, 2021

This story puts a new twist on our motto “Rescuing One to Rescue Another” ….

The phone call went like this:

Faith Harris: “Jen,” her voice frantic, my stomach tightened waiting for her next words “Oh my gosh…..I was in my therapy appointment at the VA and Fubar started acting crazy, I thought he had to go potty, but when I opened the door I realized he just wanted to GO”  her voice was wavering, my head was swarming with worry  “He ran so fast the leash went out of my hand, my Therapist and I went to chase him down the hall ….. where we found him in a room pacing around a man who was face-down on the floor”

The Doctors told Faith that Fubar saved his life!

Fubar’s new acronym?

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