Hershey’s training continued

Posted by Jennifer on October 21, 2021

First off I want to say that, Tara you are amazing! The commitment you (and your husband Aaron) have is incredible and is exactly whats needed to make this work. I  understand the intrusion (and stress) 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and I want to Thank you both for just that.

Hershey has adjusted very well and day by day she is relaxing and coming out of her ‘shell’.  She is working on basic commands and loose leash walking. Hershey has even been running nightly with Aaron! Tara has started the socialization process with Hershey (see below). Hershey will be living on Base, so we have started her slowly getting used to it. The scents (smell of sweat) the sounds (Men in formation, guns going off, planes landing) are different but Hershey seems to fit right in!

Tara is also a caregiver for Autistic children. This has given Hershey another unique socialization opportunity. She is doing well all these new environments, with other children, other dogs she lives with, and a older cat and a young kitten that drags around behind Hershey holding her tail!!!

(here are two emails I received this week from Tara regarding Hershey):

Oct-16th 2010:

I took Hershey to one of my kids baseball game (special need) ball game to be exact. There were people with all disabilities including wheel chairs. Hershey was not phased by any of it. I would of taken pics or video but I’m not allowed to do so around that environment and I hope you understand. I did have a lady (who y had a daughter participate in the Stiggy’s Dog  Softball Tournament) comment on how well behaved Hershey was. At the park we worked with her on sitting and walking on leash in that environment with the distractions. As always she did very well with walking on leash but her usual stubbornness with sitting.

Oct- 18th 2010:

So I currently have Hershey on base with her jacket and she is a  natural! She actually was very aware and alert, it was like she knew where she was.  Hershey had many Marines coming up to her, petting and asking about her. She loved the attention but stayed right by my side. It was amazing!

We look forward to more….thank you Tara (and Hershey!) ;)

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