Introducing: Jason and Brutus

Posted by Jennifer on July 13, 2021

I remember the last thing I said to Jason before he left to make the trip up here, “Don’t worry Jason, I promise that when you leave here, you will be 100% happy with your Service Dog….”

That was in reference to Trooper, one of our dogs in training, who was being paired with another Veteran. Jason had his eye on Trooper and really, really liked him….

I knew that at some point  one of our Dogs and Veterans that we think will work together, just may not work…….the Veterans may not bond with the dog, or the dog may not bond with the Veterans. Whatever the reasons, I knew I had that promise in the back of my head….gnawing at me…….

During one trip back to my house, Jason went with me and met Big Stig. Big Stig was our first dog in training  that didn’t pass the program and needed more time. Big and Jason hit it off right away, Jason falling in love with Big and Big responding to Jason like he never does to strangers. This could work……Bottom line, Sitg needed a lot more time and training to be where Jason needed him. This would take a lot of hard work, determination , consistency, guidance and time. Jason was determined…..

All the while, I kept going back to a dog I have been following. Knowing our next training group could start in a month, I frequented a local rescue groups website, Better Life Canine.  I feel in love with a blue eye, green eye,  pink nosed looking boy named Brutus. I followed his videos, notes, comments……all fitting exactly what we were looking for. I sent an email to the Foster mom, receiving a response that made me smile all day. Being a dog Foster is a huge responsibility. You are taking n a strange dog into your home. In this case, Brutus was entering into a family with 2 other dogs, Kobe and Connor. Lynda Gibson you went above and beyond in your rescue of Brutus and because of that we were able to directly take him in at a level parallel by our current dogs in training. Brutus had attended Basic Obedience Classes, was ready to take the Canine Good Citizen and had been highly socialized! After my conversation with Lynda, I asked if we could meet the next day…..I fully explained our situation.

Improvise Adapt Overcome.  I called Jason and told him to keep an open mind. He had 2 choices: Big- that would take a lot of time and work, and we still weren’t fully sure he could pass out Public Access Test. But Donna and I were on board to do everything we could to try to make it happen ….or….I may have the perfect dog that could easily transition for you, like our other Veterans. Reluctantly, Jason met us there.

There was a reason Brutus’s face kept coming back to me. Jason and Brutus were like ling lost buds- I could tell immediately looking at Jason that Brutus was it. Jason’s body language changed noticeably, he relaxed his shoulders,  his face not taunt. I even got a smile and laugh out of him when Brutus gave him kisses on his face! “Did you get that?” Jason asked me (with my camera always in hand). Yup…..we were leaving with Brutus…………and that we did!

Thank you Lynda Gibson, who offered immediately to sponsor Brutus through the rest of his training. Giving us his special food bowl, seat belt, leash, collar, medicine already! Thank you Jason Keller for showing us that Big is ready to be trained again and that with the right Veteran at the right time, Big will find his place. Thank you Donna Fournier, Director of training, for following and guiding us down this crazy path. Most of all, Thank you Brutus, for being one amazing dog. You helped me keep my promise….

Jason is going home 100% happy about his Service Dog…..Brutus!



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