Oh what a day, indeed!

Posted by Jennifer on February 26, 2022

Well, I am not even sure where to start. …..

Ben Whickler arrived almost right on time walking in at The Barracks when Donna arrived. Perfect timing for me. I was a little worried about Ben’s and Stella’s initial meeting and I was glad Donna was here to help with it. Stella, out of all the dogs, has taken this adjustment the hardest. Since we saved Stella life, she has been in two different homes, three counting this last move. Her anxiety is normally high, and meeting new people sometimes took some time…..Immediately Donna took Stella and Ben out back and away from the others dogs. They needed some alone time without distractions. As soon as Stella and Ben were in the other room, Stella peed, yup, she let loose all over the floor…nice big smelly urine puddle. That was another trouble we have encountered with the move for Stella, she isn’t sure where/when to go potty. So within 5 minutes of meeting Stella, Ben got to witness both her faults. I couldn’t imagine what Ben was thinking, and slightly embarrassed…..

Ben and Stella started to ‘work’ together right away. Stella was walking in circles around Ben, literally.  It was hard for Stella to understand who to listen to, and she looked confused.  Ben had a handful of treats he dispensed to her through out the night. Treats are always a great way to bond! Ben stared a lot at Bella, while she was playing, walking and specially when she was on the treadmill. Stella loves to show off her treadmill work. Ben told us a story of how he has always wanted a German Shepperd dog, that every year at Christmas all he would ask for was a German Shepherd. Well, he finally get’s his German Shepherd!!!  Ben brought Stella a big bone he bought for her, (in the video). Stella was ‘unsure’ of what it was at first, but this was another step towards trust and love……The initial meeting wasn’t love at first sight and instant bonding as it was with Terran and Hershey. But in retrospect, again, Stella is the perfect match for Ben. What Stella needs more than anything is to learn to trust, she is waiting for that one person to work for, to trust and to love. So is Ben. In fact the traits that Stella has (initial concern with strangers, she likes her space) is exactly what Ben is looking for. The circles Stella was walking around with Ben, is something we will train her to do, to keep people at there distance.  Ben and Stella are so much alike, and they don’t even know it yet……

Then there was Veteran Mike Hopp, known affectionately as ‘Skully”. Mike has been waiting for a dog for a few months, calling me a lot asking if we found his dog yet. I asked him to come down to training to work with our dogs, to be a part of this group, and to see if one of the dogs we were currently training would be a good fit for him. Skully, Terran and Ben all knew each other and having them together through t this process was helpful. The night before Skully was to come he called me and told me he found a dog. Well, correction, a dog found him! I always say, a dog has a way of finding you….

Skully said he tried to find the dogs home, called Humane Societies, walked her around the neighborhood, had her in the car and even bathed her! She passed a few of our initial temperament tests already. The dog was in his home, and paling with his children…letting them take food out of her mouth! Bonus! We discussed that maybe , if there was no owner, that we could work with him to train her. However, we were not prepared when Skully showed up with the new dog. Apparently they are attached to the hip, and he had no place to take her….

This was an challenge,  our dogs have just adjusted to The Barracks, and training together. They have all been temperament tested, in many situations and we trusted our pack. Bringing in a new dog, to The Barracks at his time brought every one’s anxiety level high. The whining and barking going on all afternoon could be heard for miles. But what was Skully and us to do? We did the Military thing:  Adapt and Overcame! Donna spent time with the dog, now named Bella. Well, That’s what Skully calls her, we affectionately nick named her ‘Tinkerbell’. She looks like one and even acts like it! It was really amazing to see the connection that Mike and Bella have already made. She was listening to him, sitting on command, and spent the majority of the time right by his side. This was his dog, in every sense….

However, and not to Skully’s liking I am sure, we had to keep his Bella and our dogs separate. We needed to have her checked out by a Vet first, plus proper introductions needed to be made with our pack, before we cold let her in. I am not sure if he understood that we couldn’t just take her in. I felt bad. We called the hotel and made sure they accepted dogs, they did. I sent them on their way with a collar, leash and some toys for their night. Today we will start their training process and they will ‘work’ together with the other dogs and Veterans. In the video you can see how they are working and connected already. Something just have a way of working out……

Terran showed up later in the evening, ready to see his friends and Hershey. Hershey immediately wiggled her butt right up to Terran. And he was prepared with a handful of treats again. Terran gave the ‘sit’ command, and Hershey did it first try. They sat together, alone but with the group, as Terran said Sit’ and ‘shake’ to Hershey, over and over again. It took a few tries, but she caught on. Terran just taught Hershey her first trick. It was so sweet to watch…..

Needless to say it was an interesting day, not going as I had planed. Or did it go just the way it was supposed to?????

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