Terran and Hershey

Posted by Jennifer on January 27, 2022

Donna, our Trainer, and I met with Terran and his family last night. The purpose of this meeting is to get a better feel for specifics things Terran would like Hershey to be trained on, and to explain this next important step of the process.

Donna is currently training Gibbs, who is a 9 month old puppy with manners to learn! I asked Donna to bring Gibbs to this meeting, to not only help Gibbs with his training process (because as a spokedog he will be coming to these meetings in the future) but to also see the whole family and their reactions to having a dog around. Gibbs walking into a new house and one with small children, was a delight for him! I think he thought this was all for him! Gibbs loves children, and it seemed this was no exception. He went right for their little girls face and gave her a million kisses (or so it seemed) She didn’t mind as she giggled with delight. This family was ready for a dog indeed!

Once Gibbs was settled down (almost) we were able to have a great open conversation. Terran and Donna talked together about specific tasks that we are going to teach Hershey that would be most beneficial. Seeing their natural environment helped Donna better understand a training plan: such as where the crate would go, access to to rooms and outside, what rooms were off limits (none) and what play areas Hershey needed to stay away from. Having a big yellow balloon bouncing around was another perfect example of something we added to the training list! :)

Hershey is currently being fostered and trained with Rachel Cullen. She has been so wonderful throughout this whole experience, I couldn’t have asked for a better placement for Hershey. Rachel has given 100% to what is needed for Hershey, as examples:

*Rachel loves her football games and has been even more animated during them. She called to tell me Hershey was a little startled When Rachael jumped up and yelled during the game. Form that minute on, Rachel yelled even louder and acted like a complete nut (her words).  By the end of the game Hershey could have cared less what noises she was making!

*Hershey has gone for a Veterinarian visit, to get used to it and make it a good experience. She was ‘a little lady’ Rachel said. Hershey laid quietly while looking away as the Vet clipped her nails.

*Asking all her neighbors to stop over and say hi (to desensitize Hershey of visitors)

*Rachel and Doug have dressed up in different disguises, briefcases, hat’s, glasses, umbrellas,  to see Hershey’s reactions. I asked if she tried a Halloween mask yet, I was only kidding, but I have a feeling she is doing it now….

*Rachel took Hershey out to a local Restaurant in her neighborhood. She asked the owner first and explained why, and they agreed. Again, Hershey laid like a Lady under the table the whole time…

We are very proud of the accomplishments and advancements Hershey has made. We are very grateful for Rachel for her time that she has dedicated for us. To have this whole concept work, it takes the cooperation of many people. Without you Rachel, we wouldn’t be ready to move on with pairing Hershey and Terran…..

We asked Terran to wear a t-shirt to bed, and we will be placing it in Hershey crate. This will help Hershey to recognize Terran (scent) since Terran already knows way more about her, than she does him. But that wont be for long. Terran will be meeting Hershey and Rachel, soon to observe Hershey during a training class.  Training Hershey is essential, but we also have to train Terran too. They will be working together and separately this next week as they both learn the commands, hand signals, and take these first steps toward a long  beautiful Human Canine bond…

We look forward to watching this grow….

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