The Struggles, The Support

Posted by Jennifer on April 8, 2021

I got the phone call, the one I thought could happen, and if it did, I would deal with it then….

Full of mixed emotions, I share with you a personal journey.  Sgt Jamey Johnson, our first veteran paired with Tiger, has taken every measure to learn how to live with his PTSD, for himself and for his supportive beautiful family: from different Psychologist, Therapy Programs, medications, getting a Stiggy’s Dog and now admitting himself into a 3 month program at a VA Medical Center.

When Jamey called to tell me he had already been there for three days. I could tell something was wrong from the sound of his voice just saying my name, “Jen” long pause before he continued his story. My pulse started to race, a sick feeling stirring in my stomach… mind not listening any more to what he was saying, random thoughts charging in my head.  Oh no!! Where did he say he was?….For how long?…..So proud of him for taking these steps……Shawna and Cooper alone at home without him. I have a relationship with this family, so this was personal to me. Then it hit me,  a slap of guilt across my face…..I failed him.

When we first interviewed with Jamey many things have changed in our organization. Jamey received Tiger as more of a Emotional Therapy Dog, mainly focused on the task of helping Jamey in public. Our training has changed dramatically since then, with setting new guidelines and standards for a Psychiatric Service Dog. If I could go back in time I would have done things differently with Jamey and Tiger, more training was needed, more one-on-one bonding.  I sank in my office chair, took a deep breath and was trying to explain this to Jamey, when what he said next sent me straight back on my feet hand on my hips, literally….

“My Psychiatrist  said I couldn’t take Tiger”……I think he was still talking when I cut him off…

“What?” again mind racing with more thoughts….Where is Tiger?……poor Shawna at home with Cooper and Abbey and now Tiger……..Tiger was living like a pet and not a Service dog………Jamey must be pissed…………… is he freaking our without his dog…..why cant Tiger go?……..Can they do that?…….is this a Military thing? My ranting matched with Jamey’s, only mine was quicker and louder.

It took a few weeks for Jamey to navigate the system, but once Jamey finally got to meet his new Dr, she agreed that Tiger should be with him! Halleluiah! I assured Jamey that I would do everything in my power to get Tiger to him!

Immediately I went on a website called Pilots N Paws. Where people donate their time, (flights) to transport rescued animals. I made a post asking for help to transport a Service dog to his Veteran form Jacksonville, NC to Martinsburg WV. I was within their guidelines as far as distance, but this was still asking a lot. Within hours I received two emails from Rick Gutlon and Michael Duncan, both saying they would coordinate two flights for this trip to make it happen. Relieved and excited, things are starting to look up. However, Mother Nature now wants a piece of this, and we are trying to navigate around times these pilots can fly and the weather.  Michael and his wife, JoyceAnn even offers to drive Tiger the rest of the trip if the weather permitted them from flying!!! Meanwhile I also received another email from Jane Wicker and Rock Skowbo, also stating they would love to help. This was a time where you have to stop and be thankful. Here is a network of Military supporters, dog lovers, and really good people. The bright spot in a dark situation.

Donna, our Director of training, immediately had her bags packed, ready to make the 8 hour drive to meet the pilots at whatever air port, whenever they needed.  Instinctively knowing Tiger will need some one-on-one training time (with Doctore- Donna’s nickname-for good reason) offered to stay for a few days to work with Tiger and Jamey, to help ease this transition and to put Jamey and Tiger on the right path! :)

I am filled with joy for Tiger to be reunited with Jamey and anticipation for their new journey through the remainder of his stay.  Jamey- I want you to know that you have so many people supporting you.  And we look forward to reading more of your writings…..

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