Training Weekend at The Barracks. Part One

Posted by Jennifer on February 27, 2022

I cant even begin to know how to properly write about this past weekend. So many things, so many perspectives. I decided to write it in three parts, The Dog, The Veterans, and us-Stiggy’s Dogs.

I will start with the Dogs. Our current recruits in training, Bella, Stiggy, Hershey, and Stella.

We all moved in together, in one day. All dogs have lived separately, already in the training process but with their foster/trainers homes. They became pack quickly, with the help of our Director of Training, Donna. It was difficult transition for all (us and dogs) for a few days. Within three days Donna had all the pack working, living, eating and sleeping together. (She is magic). The routine was established and we were ready to invite the Veterans to come meet, train and stay with their potential dogs. As much as you think you are ready……your never ready…….ever……

I just want to say that as I write this, they are all passed out, spread out around the room, each laying on their own bed. Lucky dogs. Seriously. I get it, after a weekend of training, and people, I want to crash out too…..They look so peaceful, innocent, and sweet. Bella snoring….loudly…..

Bella, our little red, muscular ball of fire and sweetness.  She has been living with trainer and foster mom, Jen Guthrie for about 8 months. There was more than a little separation anxiety for her the first few nights. Bella came with, a Thunder Coat, Rescue Remedy and Canine Lullaby’s….nothing was going to take the place of Jen and Audrey. Bella panted, heavily, on and off for days. When she wasn’t panting, she was snoring. The loud gurgle kind, worse than almost any man I know. Bella knows her commands and adjusted very quickly to our routine. She loves the rhythm of the treadmill to let off some energy, or a quick few burst around the warehouse. She has her moments, and lets say that is where her nickname of Hot Tamale comes from. She can be saucy! Then, when you lest suspect it, she goes around at night, licking all the dogs…..she cleans them, and checks in on them like a momma dog.

Stig. Then there is Stig,  ‘Spots’ as I heard one Veteran call him. Stig has been within our family for over a year now. He is the most usual dog I have ever met. His markings, his eyes, his crooked tail. His smart, almost super natural intelligence, mixed with his stubborn inquisitive nature. Yup, all wrapped up in one Sitggy! Stig adjusted quickly to The Barracks, just due to a lot of moving in his past. He was used to and trusted me, since I was here all would be ok. Stig knows his basic commands and was great to have in all our training sessions. He currently isn’t paired, so he worked with all the Veterans. This was great for both actually! All Sitg wanted was some one-on-one ball time and he was all set….and some chicken from Ben.

Hershey, beautiful, sweet,  ‘little lady’ of the pack. You can always count on Hershey…….She was the one dog that adjusted the fastest. Hershey has this face that still looks like a puppy, with a long body and shorter legs. Black shiny fur and black eyes to match. Hershey is the last to get noticed out of the pack (she blends into everything). She is the smallest out of the group, same size as Bella (already established as a Hot Tamale). Hershey is just one of those dogs that hangs back a bit at first. But not when Terran comes in. She bounded to him, and jumped, her paws right in the air. This is something not allowed! Mouths open from Donna and I, arms open from Terran. Hershey loves her crate, loves the pack, loves her bed, loves all people. With all the excitement, the noises, the other dogs, the people in and out, Hershey took it all in stride. Not a peep out of her! When she needed it, she would go in her crate and curl up. She is the student ‘that is a joy to have in class’……

Stella. ‘Stalker Stella’ (one nickname I have for her). She is our most stalked dog. Everyone loves Stella……Whats not to love? Her beautiful big “radar’ (another nickname) ears? Her ‘needle nose’ snout? Her sweet big brown eyes that stare at you and follow you everywhere? This transition was the hardest for Stella. We have had her for almost two months, and this was her third ‘home’. Stella has a lot of anxiety and is still learning to trust. She is instinctively aware of everyone that enters and wants to give a inspection (loud barks). Socialization was not in Stella’s history, we knew this right away. So being in this control environment, having many people in and out, desensitizing her to noises, people, smells, was all part of her needed training. Stella is very smart, she learns fast and really wants to please. Spend sometime with her, work with her and you can feel her. Stella is ready to be paired with her veteran (Ben), she needs to bond, learn to trust and have someone to work for and with. She is such a snuggler, lover girl, once she lets you see the real her……

But it’s moments like now…when all is quiet. The pack together alone with me. I inhale a deep breath….exhale to the steady rhythmic  breathing of us all. For a second I think……maybe I should move in here permanently, and claim these Therapy Dogs for myself…..

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