Welcome Stephanie Brown

Posted by Jennifer on August 18, 2021

“Greatness comes from within” ….

And in this case it is not just within the person but also within our Stiggy’s Family. Let me explain.

As we grow, so does our needs. One need was someone to help with our Social Media and Marketing.  But we also needed that someone who understand Military, Veterans, PTSD and TBI. It would be fantastic if that person also knew about Service Dogs and how they help. The list was growing long, and so were my days, as I tried to do it all.  And one day it hit me, greatness does come from within, and I turned to wife Stephanie, of our fantastic team Eric and Patton….

Since meeting Stephanie during the paring of Eric and Patton in 2011, she has been a tremendous support for Stiggy’s Dogs. Stephanie did more than just support her husband, as she was always trying to help the organization too.  Over the years Stephanie attended fundraising events, spread public awareness, and also befriending other Veterans wives/families to make the transition of a Service Dog better for their families. In May 2013, Stephanie helped us market and win the $100,00 Facebook competition, which was my first clue that she could be exactly what we were looking for!

I am more than excited an happy to announce the addition of Stephanie Brown to our Stiggy’s Staff!!  Stephanie has already made great strides this month on facebook, twitter,etc. Seeing the new interaction with our supporters and fans make me smile huge!!!   :)

And proves yet another point,  Greatness really does come from within ….


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