Stiggy’s Tips: Celebrating the Fourth with Fido and Fireworks

Posted by kim on July 3, 2021


Not everything we do in training our psychiatric service dogs is applicable to companion animals.  But one thing that most dogs have in common-working dogs or not-is a shared dislike of fireworks.  Since it’s that holiday when fireworks are everywhere, here are some Stiggy’s Tips for making sure your holiday is fun for the furry family members as well.

From our training manual…

Thunderstorms, fireworks, and general loud noises:

Dogs learn by making associations to different stimulus, either good or bad. Using this understanding of how a dog learns, training a dog to overcome fear is rather simple; make a positive association to that stimulus.

The best way to prepare your dog, and to make that positive association is to purchase a CD of thunderstorms and play it at a low volume while feeding your dog his meals or playing his favorite game. Each day, turn that volume a notch higher; all while your dog is doing something positive. This forms that positive association to the sound of the storm. If, at any time during this desensitization process your dog becomes nervous of the CD sounds, back the volume down and step up your fun or food reward.

Another alternative is providing heartbeat and aroma therapy for your pet. Heartbeat therapy is exactly what it sounds like; a naturally recorded heartbeat that soothes the fearful pooch. Two products that work with heartbeat therapy are the Snuggle Puppy and Canine Lullabies CD. The best scent to use in aroma therapy for fear and stress is Lavender. Also using linen sprays of lavender scent on the dog’s bed can be helpful as well. You may have to incorporate multiple desensitizing processes; using the Snuggle Puppy, Lavender, and the CD of storms on a daily basis before you see results. Fear doesn’t go away overnight; it can take many weeks to months of work before your dog is no longer afraid.


And remember: keep tabs on your dog during firework displays.  Many dogs get scared and run off when they hear fireworks.  It’s the busiest time of the year for shelters and emergency animal clinics.  Make sure you and your family doesn’t have to visit one of those places this holiday.

Happy Independence Day!

If you have questions you’d like to see on Stiggy’s Tips e-mail us at with the subject line “STIGGY’S TIPS”.


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