A random morning walk…..

Posted by on June 25, 2021

It was a beautiful cool summer morning you dream about. Stig and are were out earlier than usual enjoying the breeze. Three deer ran right across the road in front of us about three houses away. Such a beautiful sight! Stig noticed but didn’t seem to mind much, I think we were both in awe…

A car slowed as it was passing, a woman rolled her window down.
“I just wanted to warn you but there is a deer right by the road a few feet from here” She says as she looks at Big Stig.

“Wow. I just saw three of them a few seconds ago!” as I look at Stig “He didn’t seem to care.” I shrugged.Well, she looked like she was about to throw up, or just ate something bitter.

“Did I say something disgusting?” I asked. She impatiently drove off.

What was that all about? I appreciate the warning (I have done that before myself!). If I was walking any other dog, my butt would be dragging on a leash behind the dog chasing the deer! But what I didn’t understand was why she looked disappointed when I said Stig was fine with the deer.

I stopped suddenly, drawn out of my rant, as I was face to face with that deer! We were all startled, Stig, the deer and I. Stig freezes, tail high, hair up. The deer stood just as erect, ears perked, looking directly at us. I stood there, grounded, watching the animal behavior unfold. I whispered “hi” to the deer.

Just then, to my surprise, Stig gave a high pitched soft bark. I look at him to see him in the down-ward dog stance. Stig was initiating play! :) The deer looked really confused, and tilted his head as if to say,’huh?’ I giggled to myself, looking over my shoulder to see if that woman could see us in her rear-view mirror….

This is perfect. What a photo opportunity I thought. I slowly open the zippered pouch and reach for my camera. It was not there! I faithfully take that camera everywhere but not today, of course. I could have fit both Stig and the deer in one frame!

A car screeched around the corner, startling all of us. The deer quickly jumped and ran away.Stig started off after.
“Stig” I say firmly. “Sit.” He stopped and sat immediately. I reached way down in my pouch to find the biggest piece of chicken jerky I could reward him with.
“Good Boy” I say as I give him it.
“Gooooooooood Booooooooy!”


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