Wishlist Wednesday - Digital Photo Frames

Forurtunetly our photo display shelf is getting full and needing to be updated.  Our wish this month is to clean that up and replace them.  We would like and appreciate any and all donations.  We are looking to replace the display with 3,  8-12 Inch displays that we can continue to update as our classes change.  If you have one you don’t use and want to donate in-kind that would be awesome!

Below I have provided a link of an example (does not have to be this exact frame), and it is already from our amazon smile account so its a win win for everyone!

We would like to have

  • 1 for our current teams in training
  • 1 for all our deployed teams
  • 1 for all our candid photos. We get a great deal of photos from our teams and when we are out on events that we would love to share with everyone!







Again, we are very lucky to have the support and generosity we have.  We are very grateful!

Any questions please feel free to email sociamedia@stiggysdogs.org

Shipments can be mailed to address:

Stiggy’s Dogs

2610 Bowen Rd.

Howell, MI 48855

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