Ben and Stella

Posted by Jennifer on April 6, 2021

It has been over a week that Ben has stayed here at The Barracks for training and bonding time with Stella. Again, I am overjoyed at the change witnessed from them both! Everyday Ben and Stella are learning something new about each other, growing together and taking these necessary steps.

As soon as Ben walked in the door, Donna handed him Stella’s leash and said “She is all your responsibility while you’re here!”  Including all meals and potty time. Having Ben give Stella all her meals and taking her to the bathroom establishes Ben as her caregiver. Stella took to this very quickly, going directly to Ben for her needs. During the transition of moving into The Barracks, Stella had some bathroom ‘accidents’. I can proudly say that since Ben has been here, Stella is right on track!

Ben and Stella have taken advantage of every minute of their time together. During their last training visit together, they worked mainly on the basic training needed to pass the Canine Good Citizen test. Ben and Stella picked right up where they left off and passed the test with ease.   Socializing Stella and Ben together in public has been our main focus now.  This is a hard  for us because we almost have to  ‘push’ both of them together into new situations. Donna needs to see them together, read their body language and help guide them both through this. We can’t fake a panic attack, or physically go through the changes that these guys do, and it is so important for their dogs to feel this. Here is an example of last night at the grocery store with Ben and Stella. When we were checking out a man came and stood in line next to us, very close to Ben and Stella pushing their ‘personal space’. Ben, feeling uncomfortable, slid down farther away from the man. Stella, sensing his ‘discomfort’ refused to move, she held the distance between them, looking at the man the whole time. Stella was giving Ben space, by being his ‘eyes and ears’ so he could concentrate on paying the bill. The man then walked behind us in line to get something, coming very close to Ben….. Stella remained calm and very watchful, still placing herself between Ben and the stranger. This went unnoticed for anyone else standing around, but for Ben (and me) this is exactly what Stella’s job is. We all walked out together, Stella the ‘star’, Ben relieved and I very proud!

Ben and Stella have mastered: Kinkos, Subway, Mason Bar and Grill, Wal-Mart (a few times) Rite Aid, Wendy’s, Kroger’s, Gas Stations, Costco, Sean O’Callaghan’s, local VFW Hall,  and Ann Arbor, (just to name a few!) In fact, Ben said that he has been out and have done more in this last week that he has in a long time! This meaning more than you know coming from a Veteran working through PTSD and anxiety in public places.

Stella, who has been mainly under my care since we rescued her in December, is now Ben’s dog. She follows him around everywhere, waiting for him at the door if he leaves. When Ben walks in the room, or wakes up in the morning, Stella gives him a hug. Yup, she stretches herself right up on him, leans into him, her ears back, her nose in his face. And yes, you can hear him singing to her, soft little sweet tones…….

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