Support Our Military Veterans Month!!

Posted by Jennifer on July 1, 2021

Introducing our Stiggys Dogs Support Your Military for the month of July. Here is how you can help….

If you own a business, or know of someone who does, or works where we can hang our Paw Prints (for $! donations): gas stations, Boutiques, stores, restaurant, Dr. offices, etc. We also can include or choose to have a donation jar

Please help spread these paws all across America! Support our Military Veterans

email for more information!!!

While at Bloomsburg University this past April, Joe and I meet Rebecca Howells, from a group doing a presentation for us from Professor Petre’s Business Communication Class. After she introduced herself and asked if we were accepting Summer Intern s. A summer Intern, huh? Wow, what a great idea…..I thought about it all the way home, even envisioning exactly what she could do for us. However, getting back to the everyday hustle and bustle of Stiggys Dogs, I completely forgot about her offer. I was taken back when I received an email from Bloomsburg University asking me to fill out paper work to apply to be a sponsor for their Summer Internship program. The fact that Rebecca followed thru with this was part of the reason I put this on ‘top priority’ for the day. Within a week we were accepted!

During the group presentation that Becca was a part of, one of their ideas to raise money and awareness , was a Paw Print Campaign. I have seen this many times and even donated to other $1 organizations in my area. I thought that this was the perfect opportunity for Rebecca to see her idea through! She is excited about this as much as I am!

So lets support the initiative of this extraordinary student while ultimately supporting our Military Veterans!


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