The Silient Heroes

Posted by Jennifer on May 27, 2021

As Memorial Day approaches, and our Country stands  with Respect and Honor for all our Military Veterans, fallen and currently serving.  We also need to take a moment and honor the silent heroes, the military families, these wives and husbands and children who all serve….

This past year I have had the pleasure to meet many families; some of which knew Ben and the ones that were a part of Stiggys Dogs.  I am personally in awe of the strength and love they have as they hold their families together and support their Military spouse. Some of these families are both Military.

A Marriage is hard enough, making  the best decision for you and your family, but here, most of those major decision are made my someone else, and you can do nothing about it. A concept so foreign to me until recently. Our organization has had difficulty navigating our way through the Military system . My frustration that I have no control within that environment. I cant even begin to imagine what it would be like to be married to that.  These wives, husbands and families ban together and are part of a family of their own.

It is different being in a Military town. The first thing I remember noticing, besides everyone seems so young, that most young couples have children. These kids, children and babies go everywhere with them.  They have to, it isn’t like at home where you have a support system, other family members (grand parents, aunts, etc) to babysit.  But they are a tight group that supports each together…I have witnessed this many times. Numerous phones calls for help, and the other family will pack up their baby-drive over to the others house (no matter what time) take care of their children- and sometimes the husband and wife to. The sacrifice goes beyond the combat zone.

Lindsey Tice Walden, at home now  with her two boys, while her husband was sent back to Afghanistan. Dave Walden was good friends with our Ben,  so much that they  named their baby boy Ben in his honor. I think about that family everyday, especially now. Dave is sent back to the same area where he lost his friend/ brother. Lindsay is home counting the days, I am sure. The strength it must take, to push down the worry, put a positive smile on for Ben and Tanner as she holds this family together.

Recently Sarah Mizer from Michigan married a Marine who was deployed to Afghanistan weeks later. She moved down to Jacksonville, farther from her family here, but to be with her new family there. I understand, these wives understand each other, they know the ups and downs, the depression and frustrations. Being in a Military town while your significant other is Deployed has to help. Somewhat.

I have gotten to know the wives of two of our Veterans paired with a Sitggys Dogs. Michelle Frye and Shawna Johnson.  I have so much respect for these two woman.  They have been so supportive of their husbands. Both enduring their own private nightmare, I am sure, but standing strong.  Loving, marrying, having children with then waiting as they deploy for months. The excitement of having them return, then the confusion of who is this man that returned? The new wives that love, marry and try to understand their new husband. Lillie Gorm is a great example, here this young woman , newly married, yet taking each day along side her husband, learning and growing with him. Her support of him through training with a Stiggys Dogs is amazing!  Most relationship cant handle and manage the stress. Many don’t last. These women are an example that it can, with work, patience, growth and a lot of love.

Then there are the Military families; The moms and dads, sister/brother, aunts/uncles. This group falls in just two categories; families that support/understand. Those that don’t/don’t try. This has been quit shocking for me actually. But I can say that there are a lot of families that really do not understand , mostly the effect that war/their deployment has has made. That ‘who’ these young men and women were when they left, may not ‘who’ they are now.  Some families don’t want to see it, all they want to see is the image they want to see. It so sad, really. However, I have met some wonderful families that not only support their own Military child but most of their family/friends too. Shelley Jo Swaim, Pam Okker Rice, Darrell Crone and DeeDee Reno to name a few.  I know my personal family has grown and will continue to. I look forward to it.

So please this Memorial Day weekend take a moment to honor the Silent Heroes, The strength, love and support behind our Military Veterans……

Thank the families, not just the Veterans, for they are all Heroes!

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