What possessed my dog?

Posted by Jennifer on August 8, 2021

I write this in all humbleness…..I admit defeat…….or at least retreat……

It has been over 5 weeks, the time frame that I wrote in my business plan that I would take to have a Stiggy’s Dog trained. I am way off plan.

I started out off the plan, actually.  As much as I would have personally adopted Big Stig (cause he is my kind of dog), Stig is not the dog that would have passed our initial behavioral  tests. (See other posts for Stig’s story). However, as the person who got her to me said: “You don’t always get what you want, you get what you need!”

Oh the lessons Stig and I have learned together, mostly the lessons I have learned about myself. This last week is a perfect example:

I meet with  Donna Fournier, from Detroit Dog Training Examiner, at the park for some Big Stig training. I was running a little late (had a meet and greet with Stig and our  newest dog Roxie) then I couldn’t remember where the Park was…..so by the time I got there, I was really stressed.  Calm-Assertive energy….HA!  Easier said than done. I took a couple deep breathes as we walked toward Donna. Right from the beginning, Big Stig was excited, distracted and full of  energy. I immediately handed him off to Donna. We walked, talked, and corrected Stig many times. The park was full that night, lots of people, children, other dogs, many distractions for Stig and his reactions were elevating.  By the time a man skated by on his roller blades, Stig was in high gear and ready to chase him. In a matter of seconds, Donna corrected, Stig lunged, Donna corrected, Stig went barking crazy, Donna took Stig immediately down, holding him in a down/calm position. By the time she looked at me, I am sure she was thinking I needed the down/calm position. I was in tears……in a flash I saw all my hard work, socialization, training……..went right out the window, and someone had possessed my dog.

I tossed and turned all night long, crying, and worrying.  I received an email from Donna the next morning, reassuring me that Stig can and will be a wonderful Emotional Therapy Dog. She pointed out some of the positive things she saw from that night and explained we needed more time.  So, here I sit, knowing what needs to be done.  I feel a huge sense of responsibility and guilt. I can do this, Stig can do this……I just need more one-on-one time and consistency. I feel like I have let him and myself down. My time is split trying to juggle all aspects of this business.

So, I apologize to Stig……… try forgive myself……… and secretly wonder if I can perform a exorcism …..

1 Comment

  • Wendy Lake says:

    You are doing a great service for man and dog. I wish more people would think as you and I do about dogs helping emotional issues. I would like to email you privately-not sure if this gets posted to website.


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