Happy 1 year Anniversay, Jamey and Tiger

Posted by Jennifer on October 28, 2021

Actually, this is almost two months late….

September 11th marks a different Anniversary for Stiggy’s Dog’s; the Deployment of Jamey Johnson and Tiger. The significance of this pairing changed not only the course of their lives, but the direction of Stiggy’s Dog as well.

As I sit here and reflect, tears well up in my eyes. This is partly why this post is so late. Finding the right words to explain my emotions, seem lost. I will try my best to explain….

The first point that needs to be made, is Jamey and Tiger was our first pairing. They say you never forget your first…..indeed. The stories and memories now seem like such a long time ago. The change and growth far beyond the 14 months since  past. At that time, Stiggys Dogs were pairing Emotional Therapy Dogs. Tiger was ‘deployed’ with Jamey after passing his Canine Good Citizen, no further task training, time spent training them together (one week). Where Stiggys Dogs is now, pairing Psychiatric Service Dogs, is because of the lessons learned from them, Jamey and Tiger.

Thank You Jamey Johnson for being so open and honest. Thank you for showing me, explaining to me the struggles of PTSD, You opened up all aspects of your life, because of this, we were able to see that we needed to offer you Veterans more…..

Thank you for the stories you share, about how Tiger has helped, or about PTSD. Your writing has sparked letters to me from others that you helped……I encourage your writing. you have a talent and a voice that needs to be heard.

I regret that you and Tiger did not have the experience that our Veterans are receiving now. You Pioneered an whole new road, and there is something to be said for that!

Happy Anniversary Jamey and Tiger. I love you both.

*please take the time to read the links highlighted, they tell the whole story…..

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